Composing an Email MessageAn email message can be easily created with the |
Create the email message body |
Add a file attachment to an email message |
Prepare a email test message object |
Default template for |
Add Inline ComponentsSeveral types of useful HTML fragments generated and incorporated into the email message content. We can create and use CTA buttons, links to images, and more! |
Create an HTML fragment for an embedded image |
Deploy a local image to Imgur and create an image tag |
Create an HTML fragment for a CTA button |
Create an HTML fragment for an embedded ggplot image |
Create a string with a more readable date/time |
Interpret input text as Markdown-formatted text |
The magrittr pipe |
HTML BlocksWe can use HTML blocks to compose our email message. These functions are placed inside of an unnamed list and the order determines the ordering of the blocks. With these responsive, higher-level components, we can create sophisticated email messages with minimal effort. |
An enclosure for all HTML block functions |
A block with large title text |
A block of text |
A spacer block |
A block of one, two, or three articles with a multicolumn layout |
A block of social sharing icons with links |
Specify the components of an article |
Specify the components of a social link |
Email Sending through SMTPOnce the email looks good enough to send, we can send it through an SMTP server, with the MailGun service, or simply extract the HTML message body and go elsewhere. There is also the convenient option to create and store SMTP credentials with either the |
Send an email message through SMTP |
Send an email message through the Mailgun API |
Get the HTML content of an email message |
Store SMTP credentials in a file |
Store SMTP credentials in the system's key-value store |
Helpers for supplying SMTP credentials |
View all available blastula credential keys |
Delete a single blastula credential key |
Delete all blastula credential keys |
Email Sending through RStudio ConnectUsing the RStudio Connect service, it’s possible to publish R Markdown documents and provide a scheduled email based on the report. Example .Rmd documents can be generated by using the |
R Markdown render functions for the |
Associate an email when publishing an R Markdown document to RStudio Connect |
The R Markdown |
Suppress any scheduled emailing in RStudio Connect |
Prepare example files for RStudio Connect emailing with R Markdown |