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Format for creating submissions to Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) journals. Adapted from


  keep_tex = TRUE,
  latex_engine = "pdflatex",
  pandoc_args = NULL,
  citation_package = "natbib"




Additional arguments to rmarkdown::pdf_document()


Keep the intermediate tex file used in the conversion to PDF. Note that this argument does not control whether to keep the auxiliary files (e.g., .aux) generated by LaTeX when compiling .tex to .pdf. To keep these files, you may set options(tinytex.clean = FALSE).


LaTeX engine for producing PDF output. Options are "pdflatex", "lualatex", "xelatex" and "tectonic".


Additional command line options to pass to pandoc


The LaTeX package to process citations, natbib or biblatex. Use default if neither package is to be used, which means citations will be processed via the command pandoc-citeproc.


Possible arguments for the YAML header are:

  • title title of the manuscript

  • author list of authors, containing name, affil, and orcid (optional)

  • affiliation list containing num, address, and email for defining author affiliations

  • authorcitation string with last name and first intial of authors as expected to be shown in a reference

  • firstnote can include firstnote through eightnote that correspond to footnote marks in affil

  • correspondence contact information of the corresponding author

  • journal short name (case sensitive) of the journal (see list in template or with mdpi_journals()).

  • type usually "article" but see template for options

  • status usually "submit"

  • simplesummary optional, may depend on specific journal

  • abstract abstract, limited to 200 words

  • keywords 3 to 10 keywords seperated with a semicolon

  • acknowledgement acknowledgement backmatter (optional)

  • authorcontributions report authorship contributions (optional)

  • funding research funding statement

  • institutionalreview IRB statements (optional)

  • informedconsent Informed consent statements for human research (optional)

  • dataavailability Links to datasets or archives (optional)

  • conflictsofinterest Conflict of interest statement (see journal instructions)

  • sampleavailability Sample availability statement (optional)

  • supplementary Supplementary data statement, see template for example (optional)

  • abbreviations list of abbreviations containing short and long

  • bibliography BibTeX .bib file

  • appendix name of appendix tex file

  • endnote boolean, if TRUE will print list of endnotes if included in text (optional)

  • header-includes: custom additions to the header, before the \begin{document} statement

  • include-after: for including additional LaTeX code before the \end{document} statement