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Register a job kill order for one or more jobs associated with a content item. Requires Connect 2022.10.0 or newer.


terminate_jobs(content, keys = NULL)



A Content object, as returned by content_item()


Optional. One or more job keys, which can be obtained using get_jobs(content). If no keys are provided, will terminate all active jobs for the provided content item.


A data frame with the status of each termination request.

  • app_id: The content item's identifier.

  • app_guid: The content item's GUID.

  • job_key: The job key.

  • job_id: The job's identifier.

  • result: The result string returned by Connect.

  • code: An error code, NA if the request was successful.

  • error: An error message, NA if the result was successful.

Note that app_id, app_guid, job_id, and result are NA if the request returns an error.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
client <- connect()
item <- content_item(client, "951bf3ad-82d0-4bca-bba8-9b27e35c49fa")
result <- terminate_jobs(item)
} # }