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A navbar_options() object captures options specific to the appearance and behavior of the navbar, independent from the content displayed on the page. This helper should be used to create the list of options expected by navbar_options in page_navbar() and navset_bar().


  position = c("static-top", "fixed-top", "fixed-bottom"),
  bg = NULL,
  theme = c("auto", "light", "dark"),
  collapsible = TRUE,
  underline = TRUE



Additional attributes that will be passed directly to the navbar container element.


Determines whether the navbar should be displayed at the top of the page with normal scrolling behavior ("static-top"), pinned at the top ("fixed-top"), or pinned at the bottom ("fixed-bottom"). Note that using "fixed-top" or "fixed-bottom" will cause the navbar to overlay your body content, unless you add padding, e.g.: tags$style(type="text/css", "body {padding-top: 70px;}")


a CSS color to use for the navbar's background color.


Either "dark" for a light text color (on a dark background) or "light" for a dark text color (on a light background). If "auto" (the default) and bg is provided, the best contrast to bg is chosen.


TRUE to automatically collapse the navigation elements into an expandable menu on mobile devices or narrow window widths.


Whether or not to add underline styling to page or navbar links when active or focused.


Returns a list of navbar options.


In bslib v0.9.0, the default navbar colors for Bootswatch themes with Bootstrap 5 changed. Prior to v0.9.0, bslib pre-selected navbar background colors in light and dark mode; after v0.9.0 the default navbar colors are less opinionated by default and follow light or dark mode (see input_dark_mode()).

You can use navbar_options() to adjust the colors of the navbar when using a Bootswatch preset theme with Bootstrap 5. For example, the Bootswatch documentation for the Flatly theme shows 4 navbar variations. Inspecting the source code for the first example reveals the following markup:

<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg bg-primary" data-bs-theme="dark">
  <!-- all of the navbar html -->

Note that this navbar uses the bg-primary class for a dark navy background. The navbar's white text is controlled by the data-bs-theme="dark" attribute, which is used by Bootstrap for light text on a dark background. In bslib, you can achieve this look with:

ui <- page_navbar(
  theme = bs_theme(5, "flatly"),
  navbar_options = navbar_options(class = "bg-primary", theme = "dark")

This particular combination of class = "bg-primary" and theme = "dark" works well for most Bootswatch presets.

Another variation from the Flatly documentation features a navar with dark text on a light background:

ui <- page_navbar(
  theme = bs_theme(5, "flatly"),
  navbar_options = navbar_options(class = "bg-light", theme = "light")

The above options set navbar foreground and background colors that are always the same in both light and dark modes. To customize the navbar colors used in light or dark mode, you can use the $navbar-light-bg and $navbar-dark-bg Sass variables. When provided, bslib will automatically choose to use light or dark text as the foreground color.

ui <- page_navbar(
  theme = bs_theme(
    preset = "flatly",
    navbar_light_bg = "#18BC9C", # flatly's success color (teal)
    navbar_dark_bg = "#2C3E50"   # flatly's primary color (navy)

Finally, you can also use the $navbar-bg Sass variable to set the navbar background color for both light and dark modes:

ui <- page_navbar(
  theme = bs_theme(
    preset = "flatly",
    navbar_bg = "#E74C3C" # flatly's danger color (red)


This function was introduced in bslib v0.9.0, replacing the position, bg, inverse, collapsible and underline arguments of page_navbar() and navset_bar(). Those arguments are deprecated with a warning and will be removed in a future version of bslib. Note that the deprecated inverse argument of page_navbar() and navset_bar() was replaced with the theme argument of navbar_options().


navbar_options(position = "static-top", bg = "#2e9f7d", underline = FALSE)
#> <bslib_navbar_options>
#>    position: static-top
#>          bg: #2e9f7d
#>       theme: (auto)
#> collapsible: (TRUE)
#>   underline: FALSE