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This article provides a general overview of theming techniques available in bslib.

Real-time theming

To get started theming, consider overlaying a real-time theming widget on your Shiny app (or runtime: shiny R Markdown document). This is a great way to experiment with different Bootswatch themes, main colors, fonts, and more. To add the widget, call bs_themer() in a Shiny runtime content (i.e., within the server function) and also make sure the app/document uses {bslib} for it’s Bootstrap dependency.

# Shiny example
ui <- page_sidebar(
  title = "My app"

server <- function(input, output) {


shinyApp(ui, server)
# R Markdown example
runtime: shiny
      bslib: true


If you don’t have a particular app or document in mind, you can also use bs_theme_preview() to create a demo Shiny app with the theming widget already overlayed (see here for a hosted version):

An animation showing bslib theming app. As the user changes the Bootswatch theme and Bootstrap settings, the app's appearance changes in real-time.

When running the theming widget locally, you’ll see output like this in your R console (in R Markdown, you’ll see YAML output instead of R code) to reproduce the theming changes:

Console output showing the R code to reproduce the theming changes.

Bootswatch themes

Any Bootswatch theme is available through bs_theme()’s bootswatch argument. You may already be familiar with using these “pre-packaged” themes via the shinythemes package (or via the theme parameter in R Markdown). Those older approaches only provide Bootswatch 3 themes, but with bslib, you can use newer themes like minty or zephyr.

# Shiny example
  theme = bs_theme(bootswatch = "minty")
# R Markdown example
      bootswatch: minty

A screenshot of the minty Bootswatch theme.

Main colors & fonts

bs_theme() also provides named arguments for customizing the main background color (bg), foreground color (fg), accent colors (primary, secondary, etc), and fonts (base_font, heading_font, code_font, etc). Here’s an example of using a subset of these named arguments to implement a dark mode with custom fonts:

# Shiny example
  title = "My app",
    bg = "#101010",
    fg = "#FFF",
    primary = "#E69F00",
    secondary = "#0072B2",
    success = "#009E73",
    base_font = font_google("Inter"),
    code_font = font_google("JetBrains Mono")
# R Markdown example
      bg: "#101010"
      fg: "#FFF"
      primary: "#E69F00"
      secondary: "#0072B2"
      success: "#009E73"
        google: "Prompt"
        google: "JetBrains Mono"

A screenshot showing a dark mode theme with custom fonts.

Among all the coloring options in bs_theme(), bg, fg, and primary are by far the most influential as they effect nearly every color on the page. In fact, bg and fg alone impact 100s of defaults — everything from text color, card()s, accordion()s, and much more. The accent colors don’t impact nearly as much, but primary does control the color for some important things like hyperlinks, navset_pill() links, accent/focus colors for inputs, and more. That being said, other accent colors can be handy for customizing things like shiny::actionButton() (defaults to the secondary color), shiny::showNotification() , or more generally any HTML content that leverages Color Utility Classes.

Choosing colors

When choosing bg and fg colors, keep in mind that it’s generally a good idea to pick colors with a similar hue but a large difference in their luminance.

bs_theme() also provides 3 named arguments for main fonts: base_font, heading_font, and code_font. When using web safe font combinations, it’s ok to provide a character string of (comma-separated) font families to these arguments (e.g., bs_theme(base_font = '"Times New Roman", Times, serif'). Otherwise, use one of the font_google(), font_link(), and/or font_face() helpers to include the relevant file(s) so the client’s browser may render the font(s). font_link() and font_face() are fairly low-level interfaces to the CSS web font API, but font_google() has the additional ability to download and cache font file(s), making it so that an internet connection is needed only for the first time a particular font is used.

Choosing fonts

When choosing fonts, keep in mind that it’s generally good practice to put serif fonts in base_font, sans-serif fonts in heading_font, and monospace fonts in code_font. If you aren’t sure where to start, has a nice gallery of Google Font pairings.

Theming variables

bs_theme() also provides access to 100s of more specific theming options by considering anything passed through it’s ... argument to be a new Bootstrap Sass variable defaults. This allows you to get more targetted with your theming; for example, let’s set the $progress-bar-bg Sass variable to 'orange' (a CSS color).

# Shiny example
  bg = "#002B36", fg = "#EEE8D5",
  "progress-bar-bg" = "orange"
# R Markdown example
      bg: "#002B36"
      fg: "#EEE8D5"
      progress-bar-bg: "orange"

A progress bar indicator colored orange.

In addition to CSS values (e.g., "orange"), a variable can be any valid Sass expression, which is quite useful for leveraging Sass’ built-in module’s (e.g., mix() for mixing colors)

bs_theme("progress-bar-bg" = "mix(white, orange, 20%)")
#> $progress-bar-bg: mix(white, orange, 20%) !default;
#> @import "scss/_variables.scss";

Underneath the hood, bs_theme() works by placing Sass variable defaults before Bootstrap’s variable defaults. That’s why something like bs_theme(primary = "red") “just works” in the sense that it not only provides $primary with a new default value, but it also passes the value to other variables that default to $primary (e.g. $progress-bar-bg).

# Reduced version of the Sass code behind `bs_theme(primary = "red")`
  $primary: red !default; // First one wins
  $primary: blue !default;
  $progress-bar-bg: $primary !default;
  @debug $primary, $progress-bar-bg;
#> red, red

Since bs_theme() defines variables before Bootstrap, we must define variables differently if they want to reference Bootstrap’s Sass code. For example, what if we wanted $progress-bar-bg to default to $secondary instead of $primary?

bs_theme("progress-bar-bg" = "$secondary") |>
#> Error: Undefined variable: "$secondary".

Thankfully bs_add_variables() provides a workaround. By default, bs_add_variables() works just like bs_theme() (it puts variable definitions before other Sass code), but by with .where = "declarations", we can place the definition after Bootstrap:

bs_theme()  |>
    "progress-bar-bg" = "$secondary",
    .where = "declarations"
#> @import "scss/_variables.scss";
#> $progress-bar-bg: $secondary;

There’s currently no easy way to define variables this way in R Markdown (other than using !expr to pass a bs_theme() object directly into theme)

    theme: !expr bslib::bs_add_variables(bslib::bs_theme(), "progress-bar-bg" = "$secondary", .where = "declarations")

Adding rules

A good amount of theming is possible by customizing Bootstrap Sass variables in bs_theme(), but sometimes you may also want to add additional Sass/CSS rules. The bs_add_rules() function makes this easy for Shiny usage and generally accepts any valid Sass/CSS (see sass::as_sass()). For example, here’s how one could add local SCSS/CSS files and/or Sass/CSS code in a string (the CSS file in this case was taken from nes.css)

  bg = "#e5e5e5", fg = "#0d0c0c", primary = "#dd2020",
  base_font = font_google("Press Start 2P"),
  code_font = font_google("Press Start 2P"),
  "font-size-base" = "0.75rem", "enable-rounded" = FALSE
) %>%
      "body { background-color: $body-bg; }"

A screenshot showing a Shiny app with a video game style thanks to NES.css.

In the R Markdown case, it’s recommended that additional CSS (or Sass) rules come through the css parameter, but you may also use the bslib engine. As with bs_add_rules(), these rules can reference Bootstrap Sass variables as well as utilize convenient Sass mixins or functions like color-contrast(), mix(), etc.

      bslib: true
    css: my-rules.scss

$custom-bg: rgba($primary, 0.3);
.custom {
  background-color: $custom-bg;
  color: color-contrast(opaque($body-bg, $custom-bg))

::: {.custom}
Hello custom block with custom styles!

Utility Classes

Utility classes are primarily helpful for styling at the component (rather than the page) level, and is particularly handy for things like spacing, border, colors, and more. See the article on Utility Classes for some useful examples specific to Shiny and R Markdown.

Component support

Below is a list of known-to-be themeable HTML components that “just work” well with custom real-time themes:

Over time, we’re hoping this list grows as package authors and developers embrace bslib’s tools for making themeable custom components.

Dynamic theming

The functionality behind real-time theming can be leveraged in any Shiny app (or runtime:shiny Rmd doc) to implement your own custom theming widget (via session$setCurrentTheme()), like a dark mode switch:

light <- bs_theme()
dark <- bs_theme(bg = "black", fg = "white", primary = "purple")
ui <- fluidPage(
  theme = light,
  checkboxInput("dark_mode", "Dark mode")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
    if (isTRUE(input$dark_mode)) dark else light
shinyApp(ui, server)

An animation showing a dark mode switch in a Shiny app toggling on and off.

See the sections on setCurrentTheme and getCurrentTheme here to learn more.