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grade_this_code() compares student code to a solution (i.e. model code) and describes the first way in which the student code differs. If the student code exactly matches the solution, grade_this_code() returns a customizable success message (correct). If the student code does not match the solution, a customizable incorrect message (incorrect) can also be provided.

In most cases, to use grade_this_code(), ensure that your exercise has a -solution chunk:

```{r example-solution}

Then, call grade_this_code() in your exercise's -check or -code-check chunk:

```{r example-check}

If grade_this_code() is called in a -code-check chunk and returns feedback, either passing or failing feedback, then the user's code is not executed. If you want the user to see the output of their code, call grade_this_code() in the -check chunk. You can also use grade_this_code() as a pre-check to avoid running code when it fails or passes by calling grade_this_code() inside the -code-check chunk and setting action = "pass" or action = "fail" to only return feedback when the user's code passes or fails, respectively. (Note: requires learnr version or later.)

Learn more about how to use grade_this_code() in the Details section below.


  correct = getOption("gradethis.code_correct", getOption("gradethis.pass", "Correct!")),
  incorrect = getOption("gradethis.code_incorrect", getOption("",
  allow_partial_matching = getOption("gradethis.allow_partial_matching", TRUE),
  action = c("both", "pass", "fail")



A glue-able character string to display if the student answer matches a known correct answer.


A glue-able character string to display if the student answer does not match the known correct answer. Use code_feedback() in this string to control the placement of the auto-generated feedback message produced by comparing the student's submission with the solution. Use a string that doesn't include code_feedback() to grade the student's code without providing feedback.




A logical. If FALSE, the partial matching of argument names is not allowed and e.g. runif(1, mi = 0) will return a message indicating that the full formal name min should be used. The default is set via the gradethis.allow_partial_matching option, or by gradethis_setup().


The action to take:

  1. "pass" provide passing correct feedback when the user's code matches the solution code.

  2. "fail" provide failing incorrect feedback when the user's code does not match the solution code.

  3. "both" always provide passing or failing feedback.


Returns a function whose first parameter will be an environment containing objects specific to the exercise and submission (see Available variables). For local testing, you can create a version of the expected environment for a mock exercise submission with mock_this_exercise(). Calling the returned function on the exercise-checking environment will evaluate the grade-checking expr and return a final grade via graded().


grade_this_code() only inspects for code differences between the student's code and the solution code. The final result of the student code and solution code is ignored. See the Code differences section of code_feedback() for implementation details on how code is determined to be different.

You can call grade_this_code() in two ways:

  1. If you want to check the student's code without evaluating it, call grade_this_code() in the *-code-check chunk.

  2. To return grading feedback in along with the resulting output of the student's code, call grade_this_code() in the *-check chunk of the exercise.

To provide the solution code, include a *-solution code chunk in the learnr document for the exercise to be checked. When used in this way, grade_this_code() will automatically find and use the student's submitted code — .user_code in grade_this() — as well as the solution code — .solution_code in grade_this().

Custom messages

You can customize the correct and incorrect messages shown to the user by grade_this_code(). Both arguments accept template strings that are processed by glue::glue(). If you provide a custom template string, it completely overwrites the default string, but you can include the components used by the default message by adding them to your custom message.

There are four helper functions used in the default messages that you may want to include in your custom messages. To use the output of any of the following, include them inside braces in the template string. For example use {code_feedback()} to add the code feedback to your custom incorrect message.

  1. code_feedback(): Adds feedback about the first observed difference between the student's submitted code and the model solution code. If you want to grade the student's code without providing feedback, leave code_feedback() out of your string.

  2. pipe_warning(): Informs the user that their code was unpiped prior to comparison. This message is included by default to help clarify cases when the code feedback makes more sense in the unpiped context.

  3. random_praise() and random_encouragement(): These praising and encouraging messages are included by default in correct and incorrect grades, by default.


# For an interactive example run: gradethis_demo()

# # These are manual examples, see grading demo for `learnr` tutorial usage

    .user_code     = "sqrt(log(2))", # user submitted code
    .solution_code = "sqrt(log(1))"  # from -solution chunk
#> <gradethis_graded_this_code: [Incorrect]
#>   In `log(2)`, I expected `1` where you wrote `2`. Please try
#>   again.
#> >

    # user submitted code
    .user_code     = "runif(1, 0, 10)",
    # from -solution chunk
    .solution_code = "runif(n = 1, min = 0, max = 1)"
#> <gradethis_graded_this_code: [Incorrect]
#>   In `runif(1, 0, 10)`, I expected `1` where you wrote `10`. But
#>   no need to fret, try it again.
#> >

# By default, grade_this_code() informs the user that piped code is unpiped
# when comparing to the solution
    # user submitted code
    .user_code     = "storms %>% select(year, month, hour)",
    # from -solution chunk
    .solution_code = "storms %>% select(year, month, day)"
#> <gradethis_graded_this_code: [Incorrect]
#>   I see that you are using pipe operators (e.g. %>%), so I want
#>   to let you know that this is how I am interpreting your code
#>   before I check it:
#>   ```r
#>   select(storms, year, month, hour)
#>   ```
#>   In `storms %>% select(year, month, hour)`, I expected `day`
#>   where you wrote `hour`. Try it again; next time's the charm!
#> >

# By setting `correct` or `incorrect` you can change the default message
  correct = "Good work!",
  incorrect = "Not quite. {code_feedback()} {random_encouragement()}"
    # user submitted code
    .user_code     = "storms %>% select(year, month, hour)",
    # from -solution chunk
    .solution_code = "storms %>% select(year, month, day)"
#> <gradethis_graded_this_code: [Incorrect]
#>   Not quite. In `storms %>% select(year, month, hour)`, I
#>   expected `day` where you wrote `hour`. Try it again. You get
#>   better each time.
#> >