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Generate a random praise or encouragement phrase. These functions are designed for use within pass() or fail() messages, or anywhere else that gradethis provides feedback to the student.




give_praise(expr, ..., location = "before", before = NULL, after = NULL)

give_encouragement(expr, ..., location = "after", before = NULL, after = NULL)



A graded() grade or helper function, or a grading function — like grade_this() or grade_result() — or a character string. Praise will be added to any passing grades and encouragement will be added to any failing grade. If expr is a character string, then "{random_praise()}" or "{random_encouragement()}" is pasted before or after the string according to location.




Should the praise or encouragement be added before or after the grade message?

before, after

Text to be added before or after the praise or encouragement phrase.


  • random_praise() and random_encouragement() each return a length-one string with a praising or encouraging phrase.

  • give_praise() and give_encouragement() add praise or encouragement phrases to passing and failing grades, respectively.


  • random_praise(): Random praising phrase

  • random_encouragement(): Random encouraging phrase

  • give_praise(): Add praising message to a passing grade.

  • give_encouragement(): Add encouraging message to a failing grade.


replicate(5, glue::glue("Random praise: {random_praise()}"))
#> [1] "Random praise: Nice job!"        "Random praise: That's glorious!"
#> [3] "Random praise: That's glorious!" "Random praise: Delightful!"     
#> [5] "Random praise: Great work!"     
replicate(5, glue::glue("Random encouragement: {random_encouragement()}"))
#> [1] "Random encouragement: Try it again. Perseverence is the key to success."                                   
#> [2] "Random encouragement: That's okay: you learn more from mistakes than successes. Let's do it one more time."
#> [3] "Random encouragement: Give it another try."                                                                
#> [4] "Random encouragement: Try it again. Perseverence is the key to success."                                   
#> [5] "Random encouragement: Try it again. You get better each time."                                             

# give_praise() adds praise to passing grade messages
give_praise(pass("That's absolutely correct."))
#> <gradethis_graded: [Correct]
#>   You aced it! That's absolutely correct.
#> >

# give_encouragement() encouragement to failing grade messages
give_encouragement(fail("Sorry, but no."))
#> <gradethis_graded: [Incorrect]
#>   Sorry, but no. Try it again. Perseverence is the key to
#>   success.
#> >