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Output formats

If you use files with the .Rmd extension, the default output format is blogdown::html_page, which uses Pandoc to render. You may also use files with the .Rmarkdown file extension, which may be knit to .markdown files to be processed by Hugo’s markdown renderer.

An R Markdown output format for blogdown web pages

Creating new websites & content

Install a Hugo theme from Github

Previewing and rendering websites

serve_site() stop_server()
Live preview a site
Build a website

Managing website configurations

Create or modify the .Rprofile file for a website project
Create the configuration (file) for Netlify
Create the configuration file for Vercel

Checking blogdown projects

Working with Hugo

These functions are helpers to work with Hugo and its features.

find_hugo() remove_hugo()
Find or remove the Hugo executable
install_hugo() update_hugo()
Install Hugo
hugo_cmd() hugo_version() hugo_available() hugo_build() new_site() new_content() new_post() hugo_convert() hugo_server()
Run Hugo commands
Available Hugo installers of a version
shortcode() shortcode_html() shortcodes() shortcode_open() shortcode_close()
Helper functions to write Hugo shortcodes using the R syntax
Convert post files to leaf bundles
find_yaml() find_tags() find_categories() count_yaml()
Find posts containing the specified metadata
read_toml() write_toml() toml2yaml() yaml2toml()
Read and write TOML data (Tom's Obvious Markup Language)

Helper functions

These functions are utility functions when working with blogdown.

Build all Rmd files under a directory
Clean duplicated output files
A helper function to return a dependency path name
filter_newfile() filter_timestamp() filter_md5sum()
Look for files that have been possibly modified or out-of-date

The blogdown package

blogdown blogdown-package
The blogdown package