Convert documents to and from various formats using the pandoc utility.
to = NULL,
from = NULL,
output = NULL,
citeproc = FALSE,
options = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
wd = NULL
Character vector containing paths to input files (files must be UTF-8 encoded)
Format to convert to (if not specified, you must specify
Format to convert from (if not specified then the format is
determined based on the file extension of input
Output file (if not specified then determined based on format being converted to).
to run the pandoc-citeproc filter (for processing
citations) as part of the conversion.
Character vector of command line options to pass to pandoc.
to show the pandoc command line which was executed
Working directory in which code will be executed. If not
supplied, defaults to the common base directory of input
Supported input and output formats are described in the pandoc user guide.
The system path as well as the version of pandoc shipped with RStudio (if running under RStudio) are scanned for pandoc and the highest version available is used.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# convert markdown to various formats
pandoc_convert("", to = "html")
pandoc_convert("", to = "latex")
# process citations
pandoc_convert("", to = "html", citeproc = TRUE)
# add some pandoc options
pandoc_convert("", to = "latex", options = c("--listings"))
} # }