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This function can create new labels, update colors and description, and optionally delete default Github labels. use_quillt_github_labels() is similar with usethis::use_tidy_labels() with the following differences:

  • It will not rename questions to reprex but keep both.

  • Add a few labels :

    • For tracking upstream related issues : RStudio IDE, pandoc and knitr

    • For R Markdown team organization like next for issues to consider for next releases.


use_quillt_github_labels(delete_default = TRUE)



TRUE (default) will delete default GH labels not in use with any issue.

Labels set by this function

breaking change :skull_and_crossbones:an unexpected problem or unintended behavior
buga feature request or enhancement
documentationmaintenance, infrastructure, and similar
featureneeds a minimal reproducible example
good first issue :heart:good issue for first-time contributors
help wanted :heart:we'd love your help!
reprexAPI change likely to affect existing code
questiongeneral questions - not an issue
RStudio IDEconcerns the rstudio ide
pandocconcerns upstream pandoc
knitrconcerns knitr package
nextto consider for next release
duplicatealready another issue about this