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get_data returns the data set used by a ggplot object or a single layer extracted from the object with get_geom_layer.


get_data(p, local_only = FALSE)



A ggplot object or a layer extracted from a ggplot object with get_geom_layer.


TRUE or FALSE. Should get_data onbly return data defined locally in the layer?


A data frame. If no data set is found, get_data returns NULL


When passed a ggplot object (i.e. a plot), get_data will return only the data that has been set globally with ggplot.

When passed a single layer from a plot, the behavior of get_data will depend on the local_only argument passed to .... If local_only = TRUE, get_data will return only the data set, if any, that was defined locally in the function that created the layer. If local_only = FALSE, get_data will return the data used by the layer, whether or not that data was defined globally in ggplot or locally.

See also

Other functions for checking data: ith_data_is(), ith_data(), uses_data()


d2 <- head(mpg)
p <- ggplot(data = mpg, mapping = aes(x = displ, y = hwy)) +
  geom_point(data = d2, color = "red") +
#> # A tibble: 234 × 11
#>    manufacturer model      displ  year   cyl trans drv     cty   hwy fl   
#>    <chr>        <chr>      <dbl> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr>
#>  1 audi         a4           1.8  1999     4 auto… f        18    29 p    
#>  2 audi         a4           1.8  1999     4 manu… f        21    29 p    
#>  3 audi         a4           2    2008     4 manu… f        20    31 p    
#>  4 audi         a4           2    2008     4 auto… f        21    30 p    
#>  5 audi         a4           2.8  1999     6 auto… f        16    26 p    
#>  6 audi         a4           2.8  1999     6 manu… f        18    26 p    
#>  7 audi         a4           3.1  2008     6 auto… f        18    27 p    
#>  8 audi         a4 quattro   1.8  1999     4 manu… 4        18    26 p    
#>  9 audi         a4 quattro   1.8  1999     4 auto… 4        16    25 p    
#> 10 audi         a4 quattro   2    2008     4 manu… 4        20    28 p    
#> # … with 224 more rows, and 1 more variable: class <chr>
get_data(get_geom_layer(p, i = 1))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 11
#>   manufacturer model displ  year   cyl trans drv     cty   hwy fl    class
#>   <chr>        <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 audi         a4      1.8  1999     4 auto… f        18    29 p     comp…
#> 2 audi         a4      1.8  1999     4 manu… f        21    29 p     comp…
#> 3 audi         a4      2    2008     4 manu… f        20    31 p     comp…
#> 4 audi         a4      2    2008     4 auto… f        21    30 p     comp…
#> 5 audi         a4      2.8  1999     6 auto… f        16    26 p     comp…
#> 6 audi         a4      2.8  1999     6 manu… f        18    26 p     comp…